Continuous Integration
Continuous integration for the AsciidoctorJ project is performed by GitHub Actions. You can find recent build results, including the build status of pull requests, on the asciidoctor/asciidoctorj page.
Publish the artifacts
Artifacts are published to Maven Central and jCenter by way of Bintray’s Distribution as a Service platform.
Before publishing, you need to configure your gpg signing and Bintray credentials. Create the file $HOME/.gradle/ and populate the following properties.
signing.keyId= signing.password= signing.secretKeyRingFile=/home/YOUR_USERNAME/.gnupg/secring.gpg bintrayUsername= bintrayApiKey=
To build, assemble and sign the archives (jars and distribution zip), run:
$ ./gradlew -PpublishRelease=true signJars
The publishRelease=true property is technically only required if the version is a snapshot.
To build, assemble (but not sign) and install the archives (jars and distribution zip) into the local Maven repository, run:
$ ./gradlew -PpublishRelease=true install
To build, assemble, sign and publish the archives (jars and distribution zip) to Bintray, run:
$ ./gradlew clean ./gradlew -i -x pMNPTML asciidoctorj-api:bintrayUpload asciidoctorj:bintrayUpload asciidoctorj-distribution:bintrayUpload
Don’t run the clean task in the same execution as the bintrayUpload because it will not upload one of the signatures.
If you want to first perform a dry run of the upload, add the dryRun=true
$ ./gradlew -i -PdryRun=true -x pMNPTML asciidoctorj-api:bintrayUpload asciidoctorj:bintrayUpload asciidoctorj-distribution:bintrayUpload
The -x pMNPTML is necessary to work around a bug in the publishing plugin that prevents it from signing the archives.
Bintray does not allow you to publish snapshots. You have to first update the version in to a release (or pre-release) version number. Currently, Gradle is not configured to automatically tag a release, so you have to create the git tag manually. |