Continuous Integration

Continuous integration for the AsciidoctorJ project is performed by GitHub Actions. You can find recent build results, including the build status of pull requests, on the asciidoctor/asciidoctorj page.

Release and publish the artifacts

To build and publish a release the following properties have to be set, for example in the file ~/.gradle/

signing.keyId=...              (1)

sdkman_consumer_key=...        (2)

sonatypeUsername=...           (3)
1 Settings for signing the artifacts
2 Credentials for publishing a new release to sdkman
3 Credentials for publishing artifacts to

The following steps are necessary to build a new release:

  1. Update the version in to a release version, i.e. from 2.4.4-SNAPSHOT to 2.4.4.

  2. Build the release with

    # ./gradlew clean build
  3. After testing publish all artifacts to a local repository under build/repos with

    # ./gradlew publishAllPublicationsToLocalRepository -i
  4. When everything is fine publish the artifacts to a staging repository on and close the repository:

    # ./gradlew publishAllPublicationsToSonatypeRepository -i
    # ./gradlew closeRepository -i
  5. Visit and check the staging repository. The artifacts are not published yet. The repository URL shown there can be used for testing this version before publishing to Maven central.

  6. When everything is fine publish the artifacts in the staging repository by clicking the "Release" button. Alternatively you can release it with

    # ./gradlew releaseRepository
  7. Publish the new version to sdkman with

    # ./gradlew asciidoctorj-distribution:sdkMajorRelease
  8. Commit everything and assign a tag:

    # git commit -m "Release v2.x.y"
    # git tag v2.x.y
  9. Upgrade the version to the next version by changing the version property in to version=2.x.y+1-SNAPSHOT and commit:

    git commit -m "Prepare next release"