How to convert AsciiDoc documents
These are the minimal steps to convert your AsciiDoc documents to HTML with the asciidoctor-maven-plugin.
Place your AsciiDoc sources in src/docs/asciidoc.
Add the minimal configuration to your pom.xml.
<plugin> <groupId>org.asciidoctor</groupId> <artifactId>asciidoctor-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>${asciidoctor.maven.plugin.version}</version> <executions> <execution> <id>asciidoc-to-html</id> <phase>generate-resources</phase> <goals> <goal>process-asciidoc</goal> </goals> </execution> </executions> </plugin>
Run the plugin’s associated phase.
$ mvn generate-resources
Multiple outputs for the same file
Maven has the ability to execute a Mojo multiple times. Instead of reinventing the wheel inside the Mojo, we’ll push this off to Maven to handle the multiple executions. An example of this setup is below:
Multiple configuration extract
<execution> (1)
<execution> (2)
<configuration> (3)
1 | First execution, converts documents to HTML. |
2 | Second execution, converts documents to DocBook. |
3 | Any configuration outside the executions section is inherited by each execution. This allows an easier way to share common configuration options. |